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About Me

Hi, I’m Soraya, an NHS & Freelance weight management dietitian. I have over 10 years' experience in helping people lose weight and change their lifestyle and eating habits. I am a mum, a business owner, a writer and educational speaker and I know first hand how difficult it can be to put your own needs over other priorities.


I grew up believing, probably like you, that quick fix faddy diets were the only way to lose weight. I tried the soup diet, the lemonade diet (Beyoncé did it, it had to be good right?), Atkins diet (Jennifer Aniston's favourite) and even herbal slimming tablets. I believed this was the ONLY way to lose weight.


In my early 20's I started to use food and alcohol for comfort at times of stress, upset and even boredom. I gained 2 stone from these unhealthy habits. In my late 20's I studied nutrition and learnt how to truly fuel my body and have a better relationship with food. In my 30's I had fertility issues which made me explore nutrition even further.  I learnt how plant-based foods are used for treatment and prevention of chronic diseases, infertility AND true long term, sustainable weight loss. 3 months after eliminating all animal-derived foods and eating only whole plant foods I became pregnant and went on to have a successful pregnancy. 


And this is where I focus my work to date, helping people fuel and nourish their body with a whole food plant-based lifestyle. My inspiration to focus my work in the area of weight loss came from hearing the heart-breaking stories of many clients dietiting from the ages of 10. This means over 20 or 30 years of yo-yo dietiting, and this is no life to live.


Along the the way I have learnt how to manage my emotions without turning to food and alcohol for comfort. I learnt how to fuel my body to be lean and reach a happy weight. I lost the 2 stone I gained. If I had not invested the time and commitment into changing my own habits, I dread to think where I would be today. I am telling you this, so you know I am only human and have experienced many of life's ups and downs. This coupled with my extensive studying and experience in helping other clients means I can best support you to change. 


I have helped many women and men....

* Ditch faddy diets

* Feel more in control around food

*  Reduce inflammation to be pain free

* Drop 2 dress sizes

* Lose between 10lbs - 24 lbs (everyone's goal is different)

* Improve their gut health

* Increase energy levels

* Manage emotional eating 


Here you can see some of my qualifications: Bsc Human Nutrition & Dietetics;  Msc Applied Sports Nutrition; IBS + Low Fodmap Trained; Trained in behaviour Change Skills and Motivational Interviewing. 

Areas of work: Weight loss, fat loss, IBS and gut health, diabetes, heart health. 


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